List of products by brand Hospices de Beaune

One of the most beautiful non-profit organizations belonging to the world of wine is certainly that of the Hospices de Beaune vineyards, located in the homonymous town in Burgundy, and physically identified in the historic buildings of the Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune. An ancient hospital created in 1441 to house sick and destitute people, and today it has become a museum that receives almost half a million visits a year. Inside this historic building, every year since 1851 one of the most famous and anticipated wine auctions in the world is celebrated, logically the wines that are in the spotlight are the legendary wines of Burgundy, and in particular all the wines that come from the vineyards belonging to the association, the famous Domaines de les Hospices de Beaune, vineyard plots scattered throughout Burgundy, all of the highest quality, which have been donated over the years to the charitable institute, which donates the proceeds of the production vineyards in support of the various activities connected to the new hospitals, which arose around the historic building of 1500, and which still continue the tradition of assistance to the sick, the elderly and the destitute.

The importance of the auction in France and Burgundy is enormous, the event has become a world showcase also to evaluate the appreciation of new vintages and their prices, and what will be the trend of sales on the world markets of these wines. The auction, managed since 2005 by Christie's, is celebrated on the third Sunday in November.

In total, the vineyards, which belong to the association, occupy a total of about 61 hectares, and are divided between premier and grand cru. They are mainly located around the Beaune area, but there are plots scattered everywhere in Burgundy, to maintain and care for these real jewels of world viticulture, there are as many as 22 winemakers who take great care to obtain the highest quality. All the bottles sold by the Domaines de les Hospices de Beaune bear the Appellation of the vineyard and also a name that refers to the various donors and founders of the Institute, starting first and foremost with the Duke of Burgundy Nicolas Rolin, who founded them; each year 31 cuvées of red wines and 13 of white wines are sold, among the best-selling Appellations we can mention.

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