1. Why this page

This page describes how to manage the website https://www.il-quadrifogliostore.it/ whose Data Controller is the company Il Quadrifoglio di Mollo Maria Teresa, located in Via Piana del Salto, 66, Calosso 14052 (AT) - Italy VAT number 01026430056 - CF MLLMTR65A63B111I (hereinafter "Il Quadrifoglio" for brevity) in reference to the cookies that are installed on users' terminals.

This is an extended notice aimed at informing the user about the archiving of the so-called cookies on its terminal by this website and this also in accordance with the Provision of the Authority for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 concerning the "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies".

This document incorporates some of the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Authority for the protection of personal data with reference to the processing of personal data of users who connect to the website www.garanteprivacy.it. It is in fact the intention of the Data Controller to conform its privacy protection policies to the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (in summary, GDPR), and also to the rules and procedures that the Guarantor has specified in the document on the Privacy Policy published on the Authority's website - see, in this specific regard, also the Privacy policy of this site -, as well as the aforementioned Provision of "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014.

2. Use of technologies to acquire information stored in the terminal devices of Users ("Cookie Policy")

We have prepared the following Cookie Policy to describe the types of cookies and other technologies used on our Site and on our platform and to describe the reasons and conditions of use of the cookies themselves. Please note that we cannot offer our Services without sending some of our cookies and / or similar technologies to your device. Therefore, you authorize us to use “IL QUADRIFOGLIO” cookies when using our Site and our Services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring your browser settings or by rejecting them directly with respect to third parties, as specified in detail below.

3. What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files located in the directory of your browser. When a website is accessed, a cookie is sent to the device through which the website is accessed and sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who manage the website to do useful things; for example, a cookie allows a website operator to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website previously. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user's experience in using it, although cookies can also be used to send advertising messages (as specified below). This document purposely incorporates the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data with reference to the processing of personal data of Users, published on the website www.garanteprivacy.it

4. Collected data and purposes

What data they collect. Like all websites, this site also makes use of log files, in which information collected in an automated manner is stored during user visits. The information collected could be the following:

- internet protocol address (IP);

- type of browser and device parameters used to connect to the site;

- name of the internet service provider (ISP);

- date and time of visit;

- web page of origin of the visitor (referral) and exit;

- possibly the number of clicks.

The aforementioned information is processed in an automated form and is collected in an exclusively aggregated form in order to verify the correct functioning of the site, as well as for security reasons.

For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with applicable laws, in order to block attempts to damage the site or to cause damage to other users, or in any case harmful activities and / or constituting a crime. These data are never used for the identification or profiling of the user, but only for the purpose of protecting the site and its users. This information will be processed in accordance with the European Regulation No. 679/2016 and the Privacy Code to which express reference is made to the one present on this this site.

The Purposes.

If technical cookie. For example, navigation cookies, security cookies, etc., contribute to the functioning of the site. They may give the possibility to navigate between pages or access protected areas. If they are blocked, the site cannot function properly. Cookies of functionality, localization, etc. allow you to store information that changes the behavior or appearance of the site (preferred language, geographical area in which you are located). If they are blocked, the browsing experience is not compromised.

Statistical / analytic cookies, first-party or third-party with IP masking, without data crossing (similar to the technical cookie for purposes), are used to collect information and generate website usage statistics to understand how visitors interact.

If non-technical cookie. The third-party statistical / analytic cookies without IP masking, with data crossing, are used to collect information, generate usage statistics, with possible identification and tracking of the website user, in order to understand how visitors interact.

Profiling, advertising, tracking or conversion cookies are used for the selection of advertising based on what is relevant to a user (personalized ads). Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net.

5. Classification of Cookies

For the origin:
Technical Cookies and Third Party Cookies

We can send "IL QUADRIFOGLIO" cookies to your device through our Site. The cookies we send are defined as Technical cookies. Technical cookies are cookies that belong to the site that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to make the Site work efficiently. We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a site technical cookie and a third party cookie concerns the control by the person who sends the cookie. Although we allow third parties to access the Site and to send cookies to the user's device, we do not have control over the information provided by the cookies and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third parties as described in the above extended privacy policy.

For the duration:
Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies

Our Site may send session and persistent cookies on your device. While the difference between a Technical cookie and a third party cookie concerns the subject who controls the initial sending of the cookie on his device, the difference between a session cookie and a persistent cookie concerns the different period of time for which a cookie operates. Session cookies are cookies that typically last until your internet browser is closed. When your browser session ends, the cookie expires. Persistent cookies, as the name itself indicates, are constant cookies and continue to operate after you have closed your browser. This allows faster and easier access to our Site. For example, a persistent cookie that our Site reads from your device is the language chosen for navigation. After sending the cookie, this allows you to be automatically redirected to the site with the chosen language on your future access to the site.

6. The main cookies used by the website www.il-quadrifogliostore.it

Our Site can send you cookies and similar technologies in different ways and for different purposes. Typically, these include:

• simplify your use of our Site and our Services;

• monitor, analyze and improve the functioning and efficiency of our Site and our Services;

It is our intention to be transparent and clear about the conditions and purposes of our use of cookies and other technologies. Therefore, in this section we have specified the main cookies present on our Site. Preliminarily it should be noted that this site is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of cookies and therefore the third party does not cross the information collected with others already available.

Site Cookies

Site cookies are cookies sent by “IL QUADRIFOGLIO” servers to allow the use of the Site. These cookies are generally stored on your browser and do not expire at the end of your session. User tracking cookies are Technical cookies that track the user's ID and settings when visiting and using the Site. We consider these cookies useful for the operation of our Site and we can send them to your device to improve the use of our Site and our Services. It should be noted, however, that this site is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of cookies and therefore the third party does not cross the information collected with others already available.

Third party cookies in general

This site may also incorporate plugins for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. Keep in mind that if the user browses being logged into the social network, then he has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this site at the time of registration to the social network. The collection and use of the information obtained through the plugin are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which please refer.

The presence of these plugins could therefore lead to the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by these "third parties". In particular, the following are present on the site:

Google Analytics and Google Maps cookies.

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google that sends cookies to your device. The information generated by the cookie on your use of the Site (including the IP address, which indicates your identification on the internet) is not transmitted to Google as this site is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of cookies and, in any case, any data transmitted is stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the Site, prepare reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or in the case of third parties who process this information on behalf of Google. Google does not associate your IP address with any other data that Google possesses also because this site, as mentioned above, is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of analytical cookies. Google is the relevant Data Controller.

For more information on Google Analytics and Google Maps, see the Google on Websites page: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it

Interest-Based Advertising - Remarketing

These cookies allow us and third parties to anonymously identify what users consider popular, allowing a more personalized and relevant selection of advertisements to be displayed when browsing the internet. These cookies allow you to build an overall picture, always anonymously, of the preferences of individuals based on how they have surfed the internet, in order to provide more relevant advertising. Our site makes use of the Remarketing features of Google Analytics and Facebook, this feature allows us to show advertisements based on the user's personal interests, identified through an analysis of the user's behavior on the web, be it on a mobile device or on other devices. As required by current privacy legislation, prior consent is required for the installation of these cookies.

Remarketing with Google Analytics is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Google, which connects the tracking activity carried out by Google Analytics and its Cookies with the Google Ads advertising network and the Doubleclick Cookie. For more information, the User is invited to read the reference privacy: https://www.google.com/policies/technologies/ads/

Remarketing with Facebook Inc. Facebook Remarketing is a Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects the activity of this Website with the Facebook advertising network. This website uses the Facebook Pixel tool provided by Facebook Inc., in order to measure conversions. Thanks to the Facebook Pixel it is possible to understand the actions that people perform on the Website. The information collected is anonymous to the operators of this site and cannot be used to identify the identity of a single user. However, the information is saved and analyzed by Facebook, which could link the action to a single profile and use this information for internal Facebook advertising purposes, as outlined in Facebook's privacy policy. This will allow Facebook to show advertisements both on Facebook and on third-party sites. The Site Owner has no control over how this data is used. For more information, the User is invited to read the reference privacy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/ and https://www.facebook.com/ads/settings

However, we specify that this information is effective only with reference to the aforementioned web portal www.il-quadrifogliostore.it, but not with reference to the services provided by Facebook, or other social networks, by Instagram or to other and different portals or websites event usually available through the links therein, of which IL QUADRIFOGLIO is in no way the Owner, even in relation to the WhatsApp contact service (for which the User has already given his consent by registering for the service). For more information, we invite you to read the cookie policies of the respective platforms.

7. Transparency in the use of cookies

We want to make the use of cookies and other similar technologies as transparent as possible. The user can decide whether to accept cookies or not, using the settings on their browser. Attention: the total or partial disabling of technical cookies can compromise the use of the site features reserved for registered users. On the contrary, the usability of public content is also possible by completely disabling cookies. Disabling "third party" cookies does not affect navigability in any way. As specified above, we are unable to offer you our Services without “IL QUADRIFOGLIO” cookies. If you do not wish to receive third party cookies on your device, many of these offer the possibility to exclude the receipt.

How to disable cookies from the main browsers?

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. The cookies stored on the hard disk of your device can still be deleted and it is also possible to disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browsers.

To do this, access the "Preferences" of your browser. For information on how to change the cookie settings, select the browser you are using below:

- Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it

- Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie

- Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11

- Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/

- Safari: https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265

By virtue of the aforementioned Provision of the Privacy Guarantor "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014, "technical" cookies can be used even without the consent of the interested person. Among other things, the same European body that brings together all the Privacy Authorities of the various Member States (the so-called "Article 29" Group) clarified in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled "Exemption from consent for the use of cookies" that these are the cookies for which it is not necessary to obtain the user's prior and informed consent:

- cookies with data compiled by the user (session identifier), for the duration of a session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases;

- authentication cookies, used for the purposes of authenticated services, for the duration of a session;

- user-centric security cookies, used to identify authentication abuses, for a limited persistent duration;

- session cookies for multimedia players, such as cookies for "flash" readers, lasting a session;

- session cookies for load balancing, lasting a session;

- persistent cookies for the customization of the user interface, for the duration of a session (or a little more);

- cookies for sharing content through third party social plug-ins, for members of a social network who have logged in.

8. Rights of the interested party

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR"), the interested parties have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or correction. Furthermore, the interested parties have the right to request cancellation, limitation of treatment, data portability as well as to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment (articles 17 ss. of the GDPR).

The related requests should be addressed to: Il Quadrifoglio di Mollo Maria Teresa at the following email address: info@il-quadrifogliostore.it

9. Changes to this Cookie Notice

"IL QUADRIFOGLIO" reserves the right to make changes to the Site, to this Cookie Policy wherever published on the Site, at any time. When consulting, the user must always refer, as the current version, to the published text. The changes will become operational when they are published on the Site. The continued use of the Site by the user, following a change, will be considered as an acceptance of such changes.